
Group: DynoMotion Message: 5798 From: tbondhus Date: 10/13/2012
Subject: Movement programming questions
Move(int ch, double x);
Does this command use Vel, Accel, and Jerk?
What are the units for x? I'm using inches, so do I have to convert to some other number or is that conversion done by this command?

MoveAtVel(int chno, double x, float MaxVel);
Is this command the same, except for using a replacement for the Vel number?

Jog(int ch, double vel);
Does this command use Accel and Jerk?
Does this command tell it to move continuously until told to stop, and if so, is StopMotion(CHAN *ch); the correct command to stop it?

void MoveExp(int chno, double x, double Tau);
If I use this command, what number would I use for Tau (or how to calculate it) for a movement that takes 0.1 seconds?

Is it possible to have a move start at say 500 inches per minute, and change to 100 inches per minute, without stopping? If so, how?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 5801 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/13/2012
Subject: Re: Movement programming questions
Hi Tony,
Please see below: